( id] •en\ce, -t, -cy [anjs, -t, -si] •er [a], -try [ari] •ess [is] -ef [it] •€y li) Suffix. rytta, vinst; undorstdd; clubt ^ society sjuk-, pensions jkassa; medical fri likar- vird 2 [ol] 8 geolog -logy [ol] s geo- logi -metry [o'm] s geometrl germ [dsoim] s itr 1 gro[dd] 2 


Suffixes in medical terminology. Suffixes are attached at the end of words to change or add to the original meaning. In medical terminology, suffixes usually signify a medical condition, surgical procedure, diagnostic term, test information, disease, or part of speech. Some suffixes also signify medical practice or practitioners.

It also has other meanings not related to medical jarg Hey, don't let your doctor talk over your head! Take our quiz, and soon you'll know your -ectomies from your -ologies, and -itis from -osis. Ready? Let's do this!

Metry medical term suffix

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AMP version of this page. -metry definition, a combining form with the meaning “the process of measuring” that specified by the initial element: anthropometry; chronometry. See more. DICTIONARY.COM Words that end in metry. Found 376 words that end in metry.

Medical Terminology Ch. 6. -paresis (suffix) Definition. partial or incomplete paralysis: Term or Lou Gehrig's disease (term) Definition.

ellipsometry. barometry.

Metry medical term suffix

Suffixes of Medical Terms The root words of medical terminology explain the what . Prefixes explain how , why , where , how many , in which position , in which direction , or in which state or condition .

Metry medical term suffix

metry- act of measuring. Suffixes of Medical Terms The root words of medical terminology explain the what . Prefixes explain how , why , where , how many , in which position , in which direction , or in which state or condition . Study Define the Following Medical Term Suffix Flashcards Flashcards at ProProfs - Study and Define the Following Medical Term Suffix with these Flashcards. Learn about different terms, keywords, and much more with our flashcards made for anyone who is willing to study Medical Term Suffix and become a master of the topic.


Basic medical terminology is used to precisely describe the human body components, processes, illnesses, medical procedures, and pharmacology.

They may be parasitic on humans , producing various irritations of the skin. mitochondria The Mnemonic Associations for this Suffix Medical Term are: Ptosis: Peanut Butter Toast Downward Displacement: Something Falling Down.
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Medical Terminology: Suffixes. Suffix: -ad. Meaning: Toward. Example: Cephalad - toward the head. Suffix: -algia. Meaning: Pain. Example: Cervicalgia - neck pain. Suffix: -asthenia. Meaning: Weakness.

• The root mast (breast) combined with the suffix ectomy (   -metry answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Process or science of measuring: isometry.

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Many are combinations of common Greek and Latin prefixes, root words and suffixes. Learning the most common parts of medical terms makes it easier to figure out what a word means when you put the pieces together. To allow you to understand more medical terms, it helps to certain medical suffix meanings.

process of measuring. Copy. Origin. Greek -μετρία. Definition: process of measuring.

Medical Term. Medical Term. -metry. Copy. Meaning. process of measuring. Copy. Origin. Greek -μετρία.

Fundamental » All languages » English » Terms by etymology » Words by suffix » -metry. English words ending with the suffix -metry . … -METRY Meaning: "process of measuring," Middle English -metrie, from French -metrie, from Latin -metria, from Greek… See definitions of -metry. Meaning: Relating to tubes e.g. fallopian tubes. Copy.
